NRS PADD Overview


•Print And Digital Data

•A fusion of NRS print data and comScore digital data

•A single database for planning across print and digital platforms of NRS publisher brands


•Led by requirement from our stakeholders for NRS to represent the expanding reach of publisher brands through non-print platforms

•Various possible solutions assessed

•The favoured approach was a partnership with an established provider of online audience data

What NRS PADD Provides

•The unduplicated reach of a print publication and its website

•Duplication of print titles and websites – which websites do a publication’s readers visit, and vice versa

•Full NRS demographic and classification data for profiling and targeting

What is Included?

•All print titles currently on the NRS main survey

•Website domains linked to those titles

•Only those domains with a comScore sample size of 40 + are included (the UKOM minimum)

•In addition: other major websites (defined as those with a comScore sample of 750+)

The Data Partnership

•In January 2013, UKOM changed its contracted supplier of the data for the UK market to comScore.  In support of this industry decision, the board of NRS has approved a move to comScore

•RSMB, experts in this field, conduct the fusion on behalf of NRS

Data Fusion

•A sophisticated technique for integrating two independent databases maintaining the integrity of both

•Respondents from comScore matched with respondents from NRS on basis of shared characteristics

•Creates a third database – comScore website data are transferred to NRS respondents