Adding Your Website To NRS PADD


In order for a website to be included in NRS PADD it must:

  • Be measured by comScore
  • Be a standalone domain with its own URL – it cannot be a sub-section of another domain
  • Achieve a minimum comScore monthly sample size of 40

 Any website meeting the above criteria will be considered for inclusion, i.e:

  • Websites affiliated with a title for which print readership estimates have been measured by the NRS for at least 12 months
  • Other publisher-owned websites
  • Other websites of interest to NRS PADD subscribers.  This includes non-publisher websites, e.g. advertisers and potential advertisers

Publishers who are members of either the NMA or the PPA and who wish to have a website included in NRS PADD should in the first instance approach the relevant association.

The list of titles and websites in PADD is reviewed each quarter by the PAMCo Technical Committee, with additions and deletions normally made in January, April, July and October.